Oh, What A Year
It'd be equally as foolish as it would be insensitive to say death’s reality is a given in the human experience.
Especially on an internet page. But if you're traveling on anything remotely similar to my emotional path, I can assume you're eager for this hellish year to conclude.
Wipe your hands on the dish towel and be done with all of its misfortune.
Misfortune is a lazy adjective.
My mind tends to framework itself around endings.
This serves as a problem when the God I serve is more or less a master of new beginnings.
Clean slates.
I wrestle with this a lot.
When the pumpkin pulls up in the drive, the lights switch on and Closing Time concludes over the speakers, I've noticed no credits begin to roll. No optimism-filled chapter heading appears on the next page. Cinderella doesn't leave with or without the Prince. With or without the shoe.
She leaves with her dignity instead.