Will it ever get easier? The relationship between women and their money? And whose money is it to begin with? I think about the dear reality that my Father is a banker. That I had nothing to do with that. That he opened a savings account for me from a very young age and has monitored what I earn and what I spend from adolescence on. The majority of myself is grateful for this, for I have acute awareness that not all children were provided financial means or guidance.I think about the man who helped me open a French bank account today. That I had everything to do with that.That the creating of a reciprocal, close relationship with another person was fully in my control. And his assistance in translating with a foreign banker to transport money I earned elsewhere to use it how I wish is something I’m grateful for.It’s a complex situation, so why did it feel so vain?
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I’m exploring American diet culture and how the French create the most basic and intricate product this earth to offer with just 4 ingredients (according to Le Décret Pain law (1993). What would it look like for all of us to give into the fermentation process rather than fight it? To chew instead of spit? To embrace instead of avoid? What does it take to create bread that feeds not only our bodies?
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I was in Athens, Greece with someone who knew much more about a lot of things in life than I did. As we were strolling in the July heat towards the Central meat market, he noted that most of the buildings in the city were never torn down; just painted over, plastered on top of. Beyond the ancient ruins and historical sites, these streets lined with cobblestone were absolutely falling apart.
Government workers attempting to “fix” these withering structures weren’t doing much of anything other than trying to prove that they were.
A tenth coat of paint doesn’t help if the primer is a couple hundred years old
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