From their collection of wine and Asian condiments to their own fermented vegetables, a restaurant I stumbled upon in Paris exceeded my expectations. The kindness of the shop manager & the delightful matcha cake he shared brightened my day, filling the void of loneliness in a foreign country. Discover how food and the company of others can create a sense of belonging, even when far away from home.
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Rebuilding Athens
I was in Athens, Greece with someone who knew much more about a lot of things in life than I did. As we were strolling in the July heat towards the Central meat market, he noted that most of the buildings in the city were never torn down; just painted over, plastered on top of. Beyond the ancient ruins and historical sites, these streets lined with cobblestone were absolutely falling apart.
Government workers attempting to “fix” these withering structures weren’t doing much of anything other than trying to prove that they were.
A tenth coat of paint doesn’t help if the primer is a couple hundred years old
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As a self-certified sauce girl, I believe great realizations arise when people meet around a table filled with good food. Last week I attended a Cook’n with Class Mother of all Sauces 4-hour intensive, and I don’t think I’ve ever been so stimulated and engaged in my entire life.
Read MoreRunning in Normandie
All I ever wanted to be was smaller. Until smaller meant less speed; the one thing I started running for in the first place. Speed felt like freedom. When in fact, I abused it until it meant captivity. The perimeters of rules I created around my body met with the gratification of a shrinking waist line was intoxicating. Like the endorphins that pumped through my veins when running.
Read MoreIn Bloom from London

Meandering through the vast Hyde Park of London, I found myself surrounded by bountiful flowers and grass. I also found myself amongst a tactical conversation of planning. As most people do on trips, an itinerary is necessary for means of comfort (oh wait, that’s just me? Type A people… please stand up)
As my travel partner (photographed below, as he probably will continue to be throughout this quarter’s newsletter) and I spoke of a minute detail pertaining to another destination we are going to in the coming weeks, I mustered the words “sounds like a plan of the present.”
And I was almost taken aback at my own comment.
I have never not been a planner.
Every moment. Every stitch. Every second.
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