From their collection of wine and Asian condiments to their own fermented vegetables, a restaurant I stumbled upon in Paris exceeded my expectations. The kindness of the shop manager & the delightful matcha cake he shared brightened my day, filling the void of loneliness in a foreign country. Discover how food and the company of others can create a sense of belonging, even when far away from home.
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French Bread and American Women

I’m exploring American diet culture and how the French create the most basic and intricate product this earth to offer with just 4 ingredients (according to Le Décret Pain law (1993). What would it look like for all of us to give into the fermentation process rather than fight it? To chew instead of spit? To embrace instead of avoid? What does it take to create bread that feeds not only our bodies?
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in healing
BBQ , Tex-Mex, Homestyle, Buc-ees, I took some time to experience the foods of my home state Texas. Giving you my honest review of these 4 sectors of Texan food and culture through a new lens of recovery. Because we all know there’s no place like home.
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